Products & Prices

We are accepting new customers for eggs now, and eggs are available year round.  The harvest from 2007 is no longer available.

We will have available in 2008 the following products on about the dates indicated.  It is helpful if you let me know as early as possible whether you are interested in a particular product, and give me a rough idea as to quantity.  I always raise more than my customers have ordered but I do base the quantity I raise on the quantity of items reserved.   Eggs are available year round.


1 Dozen free-range eggs $ 3.00 picked up in Appleton
  $ 3.50 delivered (min. 4 dozen)

(You may want to share an order with friends)


Available by the half or whole pig

Delivery to Butcher Included;
Butcher's Charges not Included

$ 1.80 lb. at 150 lb. - 195 lb. *hanging weight
Prices capped at $ 350.00 per animal

*Hanging weight is the weight of an animal after butchering but before being boned or trimmed

Increase price by ¢.01 per pound for every pound under 150
These are young animals intended for roasting whole


Heavy Heirloom Breeds $ 3.50/lb. dressed weight
(Approx. 5-9 lbs.)  
Available September through November

Dark Cornish  
(Approx. 2-4 lbs.) $ 4.00/lb. dressed weight
Available early August through mid-November


Pasture raised heritage breeds:
(Available early November through Christmas)

(2008 Prices Available in September)
- Heavyweight Breeds  
    (Approx. 15-25 lbs.)  
- Mediumweight Breeds  
    (Approx. 12-18 lbs.)  
- Lightweight Breeds  
    (Approx. 8-15 lbs.)  


Available September through late fall
Call for Prices

For more information, please contact me personally.

Nila Robinson
(920) 540-3900

©-2006 Whistleberry Farm.  We are aware that any website may reach across vast geographical areas. We do not solicit business from, nor would we be able to sell products to, areas outside those where we may legally conduct a business of this nature.